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Supporting people with complex Physical and Developmental Disabilities 24/7

Message from the Fundraising Chair

From: Murray Milthorpe

Re: New Visions Toronto Fundraising Campaign

Dear Friends and Families,

My name is Murray Milthorpe. I am a volunteer Board member with New Visions Toronto. I am also the Chair of the Fundraising Committee. The goal of the fundraising committee is to increase community awareness, education and raise funds for News Visions.

My journey started two years ago with the transformation and rejuvenation of our brand identity. I was captivated by the organization’s mission and values – its people – and their passion to help others. I had the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of New Visions role and the services they provide to the people within our community. I have invested over 1500 volunteer hours to gain a greater understanding of New Visions challenges and opportunities. This has been one of the most rewarding relationships and inspiring journeys in my career.

At New Visions Toronto, we are dedicated to providing our community of hope with the support people need, 24/7. We strive to ensure that individuals living with complex physical and developmental disabilities have access to the services and resources they need to lead successful and meaningful lives. We are passionate about creating a safe, inclusive environment where everyone is respected and supported. We are committed to providing our community with the highest quality of care and support, so that everyone can reach their fullest potential.

I would be honored if you joined me in supporting New Visions Toronto. Your donation, whether it be a one-time or monthly gift, will help keep New Visions Toronto on the forefront of providing individualized and personalized care. This is an especially crucial time for us to come together and show our backing for this organization. Thank you for considering being a part of this journey with us.

Give the GIFT of living LIFE


Murray Milthorpe

Board Member
Fundraising Chair New Visions