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Complaints Policy

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Complaints made by people supported by New Visions Toronto
Policy Number 2.20

IMPORTANT NOTE: This Policy does not apply to any kind of abuse reported by People Supported.

New Visions Toronto (NVT) understands that providing services to People Supported may result in questions related to the services we provide.  Some of the questions can be considered a complaint related to the quality and/or delivery of services.  For that reason, each complaint will be viewed as feedback and an opportunity to improve the quality of the services that NVT provides.

People Supported will be provided whatever assistance they require in making a complaint. This can include having the assistance of a family member or other appointed advocate to help communicate what the complaint may be.

Staff will approach all complaints with the goal of reaching a mutually acceptable solution.  They will be handled in a professional, confidential and non-judgemental manner.

All matters that are determined to be complaints will be recorded in the log of the Person Supported clearly identifying what the complaint was and how it was dealt with. 

At no time will a Person Supported who makes a complaint be made to feel that they will be punished or treated differently in any way.

The Service Manager will provide any support required to assist in resolving the complaint.

If the complaint is not be dealt with in a manner that is acceptable by the Person Supported or their advocate, the NVT Complaints Policy should be followed. People Supported will be informed of this complaint policy at admission and annually.

Complaints Policy Number 1.10

New Visions Toronto, (NVT) understands that providing service may result in complaints related to the delivery of service.  While a complaint may initially be the result of someone being dissatisfied with an aspect of NVT’s service, NVT will view each complaint as an opportunity to improve on how services are provided.

A complaint can come from People Supported, families/guardian, staff, members of the community, other service providers, etc.  This can include any complaint regarding alleged violations of a person`s rights as well as limits, conditions or suspensions of visits and/or visitors.

Staff should always be aware that a Person Supported making a complaint may feel nervous about doing so as they may be concerned about negative consequences. The approach should always be that a complaint is an opportunity to increase trust in the relationship between NVT and the Person Supported. A complaint may seem minor and non-urgent to the staff receiving it but it may be of great importance and urgency for the person making the complaint.

When a complaint is first raised it will be acknowledged as received, documented and every effort will be made to resolve it within 24 hours. Staff will attempt to resolve the complaint with the person immediately involved with it or the immediate manager of the person involved with the complaint.  If it is not resolved with 24 hours, the reason(s) are to be documented and the complainant informed of the reason(s).  The Service Manager will make every effort to resolve the complaint within five (5) working days of receiving it.  If a complaint cannot be resolved within those 5 days, or if the complainant is not satisfied with the response, it will be brought to the Senior Management Team. If the Senior Management Team is not able to determine a mutually agreeable solution within 30 days, updates will be provide to those involved in the process until it is resolved. If requested, updates will be provided to the complainant(s) at reasonable intervals of their choice.

The Board will be kept up to date of all complaints related to services provided by NVT. This will be done through the monthly Senior Management Team Report for the Board of Director Meetings.

The Board will take each complaint seriously and respectfully.

Should a complaint not be resolved when it has reached the level of the Executive Director, the person who filed the complaint will be advised that they can make a Formal Complaint to the Board of Directors through the President of the Board.

The Board will determine if there is a need to establish a committee to help the agency review and address a complaint. 

Each complaint received by the Board will be documented including the source of the complaint, what was done to resolve the complaint and what if any follow up was required as a result of the complaint.

NVT recognizes that a Person Supported filing a complaint may not have the resources or the means to follow the process.  Alternative and augmented methods of communication will be accepted, respected and supported. Effective individualized communication strategies will be identified in Individual Service Plans and Plans of Care.

NVT will ensure that People Supported receive the required support and encouragement to file their complaint as close to the event as possible.

People Supported may be assisted by their family representative, a staff member or an appointed advocate to put their complaint in writing. 

If NVT staff are assisting a Person Supported with filing their complaint, they must not be the subject of the complaint, or affiliated in any manner with the subject of the complaint. There must not be a conflict of interest.

NVT recognizes that there may be situations where language may pose a challenge for the Person Supported or their family in filing a formal complaint.  NVT may attempt to facilitate the process by seeking accredited translation services.

Formal complaints going to the President of the Board must be in writing, dated and signed.   They must also include:

  • The printed name of the person filing the complaint.
  • If known, the date of the event that caused the complaint.
  • A clear description of the nature of the complaint.
  • Why they felt the complaint was not resolved at the staff level.
  • A clear outline of what they see as a resolution to their complaint.

The Board of Directors may establish an ad-hoc Complaints Committee for the following reasons:

  • To assist in resolving a complaint.
  • To review the number and types of complaints that have been filed.

The Board of Directors will identify in the Board Minutes if there is a need to establish the    Complaints Committee.

The Complaints Committee will be established with an approved Motion from the Board, and a Director will be identified as the Chair of the Committee.

The Complaints Committee should be formed with a minimum of three people from each of the following NVT Stakeholder groups: 

  • People Supported
  • Family Members/Advocates
  • Board of Directors
  • Direct Support Staff
  • Management
  • Another Service Agency

If the Committee was established to deal with a specific complaint, their decision will be given to the complainant(s) in writing within 30 days of the Committee being established. Should the complainant(s) not be satisfied with the Committee’s decision they will be directed to the appropriate Ministry contact.

The Ministry may appoint someone who is not employed by NVT to conduct a further review of the complaint in accordance with regulations and may do so by holding a hearing. The appointed person will have all of the powers of an MCCSS Program Supervisor. The person appointed will complete the review and provide their findings in a report to the complainant(s), NVT and the Ministry.  This will be within 30 days of being appointed and will include their findings and recommendations.

A report will also be provided if it has been determined that no hearing will take place and the reasons for this decision being made.

After receiving the report, the Ministry will advise anyone affected by any decisions that have been made.